Sop Bartender

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Bartenderadalah sama denga salesman dimana maju dan mundurnya suatu bar tergantung dari bartender. Seorang bartender yang bertugas malamharus menyediakan waktu untuk istirahat di waktu siang. Jika menghadapi tamu, bartender harus selalu tersenyum supaya tamu merasa senang. 3.1 Bartender Open and Close 1. Opening the Bar a. Turn on lights in lounge. Retrieve cash box from liquor room. Open Cash Register – Opening instructions in cash register. Ensure bar and lounge area are presentable. Ensure you have the Ice, lemons, limes; olives cut and ready to serve.

Serving A Short Drink

Fill short glass (also known as a rocks glass) with ice, add one standard measurement of spirit and add mixer. Do not fill completely to top – leave approx. half finger-width free (to prevent spillage).

Serving A Long Drink

Fill tall glass (also known as a hi-ball) with ice, add one standard measurement of spirit and add mixer. Do not fill completely to top – leave approx. half finger-width free (to prevent spillage).

Serving Beer

Always serve a beer with a coaster. If beer is pre-packaged (not from a keg or tap), offer a beer glass. If pouring tap beer, always serve with a frothy head. Never let the beer tap touch the glass.

Serving Wine

Never fill wine glass to top. Your wine glass may have a plimsoll line – always fill to the line. If you are unsure about this, ask your superior. Check wine isn't ‘oxidised' before serving.


Opening A Bottle Of Wine For A Table

Follow these instructions when opening a bottle of wine for a table:

Sap Bartender Integration

  • The golden rule in this scenario is to be confident.
  • Take the order correctly. Repeat the name of the wine and the vintage (if applicable) back to the host (the host is the person ordering the wine).
  • Ask how many glasses the table needs. Not all guests may be drinking the wine.
  • Retrieve the wine, make sure it is added to the bill and confidently present the wine to the host. Show the host the label, and repeat the name and the vintage, to make sure there is no room for error (if you get wrong wine, you might have to pay for your mistake).
  • If the host is happy, remove the cork or cap from the wine. Always put the cork on the table in front of the host (they might wish to inspect the cork for damage etc.).
  • Pour a small amount of the wine into the host's glass. They will either ask you to pour the rest of the glasses immediately, or they will taste test the wine (they will see if the wine is oxidised or tainted).
  • When you have the host's approval, pour wine into all glasses except the host. Leave the host's glass until the end.
  • If the wine is served at room temperature, place the wine on the table in front of the host. If the wine is served chilled, place the wine in a wine bucket filled with ice (and a small amount of water).

Garnishing Drinks

As a general rule, every mixed drink is garnished. The standard garnish is a lime or lemon wedge. As your superior if your establishment has a standard garnish style.

Cocktail Mixing Styles

The way a cocktail is mixed defines its flavour: a stirred martini will taste different than a shaken martini.

Shaking a drink mixes the flavours of the ingredients thoroughly, however it dilutes the mix by slightly melting the ice in the shaker. Stirring is different – this method is less violent however does not mix the ingredients as thoroughly. Blending and building are other methods although are not as popular as shaking or stirring.


Shaking a cocktail is the most common method of mixing. To shake a cocktail, the bartender must have a boston glass and a boston tin (or a boston tin with a steel filter cap, however this is less common), enclosing the liquid of the drink and a generous portion of ice. The bartender will normally add the contents of the cocktail into the glass first, followed by a generous portion of quality clean ice. The boston tin will then be placed on top of the glass, tapped lightly (to seal the shaker) and shaken vigorously for 10-15 seconds. This is ample time for the ingredients to mix, any longer than 15 seconds and the ice will melt (and dilute the flavours of the cocktail).


Building a cocktail is probably the oldest style of cocktail making. Building involves making the cocktail in the glass it is served in – no shaking equipment or blender are necessary. Building usually takes place over ice: ice is inserted into the serving glass first, and the contents of the cocktail are poured over the top. Building cocktails can create an attractive layered effect, however all the flavours of the cocktail do not mix effectively until the bartender or drinker stir the drink. Building is the second least popular style of mixing drinks – it is old fashioned and not commonly practiced.

Sop Waitress



Opening A Bottle Of Wine For A Table

Follow these instructions when opening a bottle of wine for a table:

Sap Bartender Integration

  • The golden rule in this scenario is to be confident.
  • Take the order correctly. Repeat the name of the wine and the vintage (if applicable) back to the host (the host is the person ordering the wine).
  • Ask how many glasses the table needs. Not all guests may be drinking the wine.
  • Retrieve the wine, make sure it is added to the bill and confidently present the wine to the host. Show the host the label, and repeat the name and the vintage, to make sure there is no room for error (if you get wrong wine, you might have to pay for your mistake).
  • If the host is happy, remove the cork or cap from the wine. Always put the cork on the table in front of the host (they might wish to inspect the cork for damage etc.).
  • Pour a small amount of the wine into the host's glass. They will either ask you to pour the rest of the glasses immediately, or they will taste test the wine (they will see if the wine is oxidised or tainted).
  • When you have the host's approval, pour wine into all glasses except the host. Leave the host's glass until the end.
  • If the wine is served at room temperature, place the wine on the table in front of the host. If the wine is served chilled, place the wine in a wine bucket filled with ice (and a small amount of water).

Garnishing Drinks

As a general rule, every mixed drink is garnished. The standard garnish is a lime or lemon wedge. As your superior if your establishment has a standard garnish style.

Cocktail Mixing Styles

The way a cocktail is mixed defines its flavour: a stirred martini will taste different than a shaken martini.

Shaking a drink mixes the flavours of the ingredients thoroughly, however it dilutes the mix by slightly melting the ice in the shaker. Stirring is different – this method is less violent however does not mix the ingredients as thoroughly. Blending and building are other methods although are not as popular as shaking or stirring.


Shaking a cocktail is the most common method of mixing. To shake a cocktail, the bartender must have a boston glass and a boston tin (or a boston tin with a steel filter cap, however this is less common), enclosing the liquid of the drink and a generous portion of ice. The bartender will normally add the contents of the cocktail into the glass first, followed by a generous portion of quality clean ice. The boston tin will then be placed on top of the glass, tapped lightly (to seal the shaker) and shaken vigorously for 10-15 seconds. This is ample time for the ingredients to mix, any longer than 15 seconds and the ice will melt (and dilute the flavours of the cocktail).


Building a cocktail is probably the oldest style of cocktail making. Building involves making the cocktail in the glass it is served in – no shaking equipment or blender are necessary. Building usually takes place over ice: ice is inserted into the serving glass first, and the contents of the cocktail are poured over the top. Building cocktails can create an attractive layered effect, however all the flavours of the cocktail do not mix effectively until the bartender or drinker stir the drink. Building is the second least popular style of mixing drinks – it is old fashioned and not commonly practiced.

Sop Waitress


Stirring is the second most popular form of mixing, and is the second oldest style of cocktail preparation. Stirring involves stirring the cocktail ingredients (with ice) in a glass boston. Stirring is not as violent as shaking, and it allows the drink to be served without too much dilution (shaking melts the ice in the boston, however stirring does not melt the ice as much).


Blending is a dying trend – very few bars use blenders nowadays. Blended cocktails are still commonly made in the home, however as drinking culture changes, the blender is no longer a key tool in modern cocktail creation.

Contoh Sop Bartender

The Essential Rule

The essential rule in cocktail making is this: taste the cocktail before you serve it! A cocktail is designed to be balanced: for example, a Mojito contains lime juice and sugar syrup which counteract each other's flavour. When making a mojito, the aim is to create a delicate balance between the acidity of the lime juice and the sweetness of the sugar – following this rule to obtain the right balance will create a winning mix.

Sticking to standardized recipes, standard liquor pours, and standard wine pours can lower pour costs, improve liquor inventory control, make your bar remarkably profitable. Knowing how to pour is an important part of any bartender's duties and one of the bartending basics.

Below, read all about what a standard liquor pour is—in rocks pours, using jiggers, pouring shots, and when making cocktails. We'll also cover standard whiskey and champagne pours to round it out.

What Is a Standard Liquor Pour?

A standard pour is what is typically provided to guests at bars and restaurants when liquor or champagne is ordered. Its size depends on the type of alcohol and drink ordered. It's typically 1.5 fluid ounces for 80 proof liquor and 4 fluid ounces for champagne. In a fifth of alcohol—the most common alcohol bottle size—there are about 17 shots. Adhering to the standard pour will ensure you get the most out of each bottle, which is especially when making well drinks.

How Many Ounces Is a Standard Pour of Liquor?

A standard liquor pour at most bars across the U.S. is 1.5 ounces. Most. There are some notable exceptions. Some larger corporate establishments pour 1.25 ounces, while some higher-end establishments with complex signature cocktails will pour 2 ounces.

Overpouring can lead to profit losses while underpouring can lead to unhappy customers. You may even have the bottle around to long and find out you let the alcohol expire. Also, if you order a drink neat or on the rocks, you'll get a rocks pour. This is also a good way to practice how to upset, Which is a good way to practice how to upsell, by the way.

What Is a Standard Rocks Pour?

When liquor is ordered neat or on the rocks, it's a 2-ounce pour.

This is for two reasons. The first is that the liquor is the only liquid in the glass, so you get a little more of it. To avoid looking like you're sipping on a shot. The second is that neat and rocks drinks tend to be for top-shelf liquors that people savor. The experience is more about enjoying the liquor than enjoying a mix that masks it. A bartender right out of bartending school should be a maser in this simple pour.

What Is the Standard Pour in a Single Mixer Cocktail?

Most single-mixer cocktails take 1.5-ounce liquor pours. Unless the bartender likes you, they say. Most single mixer cocktails are drinks every bartender should know, so there should be no confusion on amount with these.

What is a Standard Shot Pour?

A standard shot, like a standard cocktail, is 1.5 ounces of liquor. If you can't master the standard shot, it might be time to give up that bartending license.

How Much Liquor Is in a Double?

The standard pour for a double is 3 ounces, which is two standard 1.5-ounce liquor pours.

Standard Pour on a Jigger

A standard jigger is 1.5 ounces on its large side and 3/4 ounces on its small side. So, if you're using the large end of a jigger to make a drink, your pour will be 1.5 ounces.

Jiggers are the little hourglass-shaped measuring tools that countless bartenders use. If you properly stock your bar liquor inventory list, you'll have these convenient tools ready for your bartenders. By having volume aligned with standard liquor pours, jiggers take all the guessing out of pouring and make sticking to standard pours and keeping variance and pour cost low easier. Check out our variance calculator guide to calculate it all yourself. The alternative to using a jigger is free pouring.

Standard Whiskey Pour

How Many Ounces Is a Pour of Whiskey?

Like other liquors, a standard whiskey pour is 1.5 ounces for shot, 2 ounces for a neat or rocks pour, and 3 ounces for a double. Pouring whiskey is right up there with pouring beer in importance, as every bartender needs to master these.

What Is a Standard Whiskey Pour in ml?

In millimeters, the standard whiskey pour is 44 ml for a shot or cocktail, 59 ml for a neat or rocks pour, and 88 ml for a double.

Standard Champagne Pour

What Is a Serving Size of Champagne?

The standard serving size of champagne is 4 ounces. Champagne pours are a bit smaller than the standard wine pour because champagne is carbonated. If the glassware has a lot of surface area, the bubbles will fizz out too quickly. So champagne needs smaller glasses which necessitates a smaller pour.

What Is a Standard Champagne Pour?

Most champagne glasses and flutes hold 6 ounces. To ensure you're hitting the standard 4-ounce champagne pour, fill the glass two-thirds of the way up. If you don't master this pour, you may go through a whole case of wine before you know it.

How Many Glasses Are in a Bottle of Champagne?

A standard 750 ml bottle of champagne is 25.3 ounces. Given that a standard champagne pour is 4 ounces, there are about 6 glasses of champagne in each bottle. If you're not sure what size bottle you have, check out our guide on wine bottle sizes.

Those Are the Standard Liquor Pours

Now you've got an understanding of standard pours for liquor and champagne. And hopefully a little context that explains why some pours are different than others.

One great thing about training bar staff on standardized pours is the prevention of over-pouring. Over-pouring plays a big part in a bar's variance and bar profitability. Make sure to supply your bartender with a bartender duties checklist so they always keeping up the standards.

Consistently and accurately tracking inventory is how to calculate your bar's variance (and the pour cost calculator) and isolate what types of alcohol are being over-poured. And if you use a liquor inventory software like BinWise Pro, taking bar inventory and calculating variance are fast and automated.

If you're at all concerned with over-pouring and how it affects your variance and bar profitability, then book a demo. Let one of our experts walk you through exactly how BinWise Pro will help. The only thing you have to lose is more alcohol.

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